Mountain bike hanging on the wall, the best way!
Lex Ligtenberg
As a mountain biker, you naturally want to take good care of your mountain bike so that it lasts as long as possible and looks peaky. By cleaning it after a muddy ride, replacing parts on time and lubricating the chain properly, you will of course go a long way towards achieving this. But did you know that it is also important to hang or store your mountain bike correctly? In this article we will show you why this is important and what to look out for when hanging up your MTB in the shed, hallway, living room or maybe even as a showpiece in the bedroom.

Problems hanging up your mountain bike
The big problem you run (or cycle?) into when hanging a mountain bike as opposed to hanging a road bike is that a mountain bike is generally a lot heavier than the racer. Whereas a road bike sometimes weighs just over 7 kg, a mountain bike can easily weigh 11 to 13 kg. This can be a reason for many people to leave the bike on the floor, creating a lot of empty space. And we all know how precious space is in our little country.

Hanging vertically
If you look at it roughly, there are two types of bicycle suspension systems. There are vertical systems and horizontal systems.
There are several problems you can run into the moment you want to hang a mountain bike vertically. One problem with vertical bike suspension systems is that they are usually suspended from the front wheel. With hydraulic brakes, this can create air bubbles which, over time, can cause the brake mechanism to fail. In addition, you are often fumbling to get the hook that has to go through the front wheel between the spokes. This can damage the rims and spokes, and if you are really clumsy, you may even end up with a knock in the wheel. An additional disadvantage you literally run into is that bikes that hang vertically are lower to the ground. If you cycle often and have a lot of bikes hung up, all sorts of things can bump into them when going in and out of the shed, hallway, corridor or mancave. From swinging bike pumps, to clumsy housemates, to cautious housemates having their day, but yourself too of course if you’re not careful!
Hanging horizontally
Many horizontal bicycle suspension systems require you to lift and hang the bicycle with a lot of force. Especially the moment you lift the bike above your head, you have to take great care to lift it correctly. The problem with mountain bikes is that once you have lifted the bike with all the force you possess, you also have to aim well to get the bars through the frame. Like being at the fairground and you can win a teddy bear if you hit. Not only is there no teddy bear waiting for you when you walk out of the barn, you put extra strain on your body with this if you spend too long swinging your MTB above your head. Your lower back gets a particularly hard time because of this. When you have just finished a nice ride, your body is even more susceptible to these kinds of injuries. Another issue is that many horizontal suspension systems are designed for racing bikes and unsuitable for mountain bikes. Whereas the frames of road bikes are sometimes dead straight, the frames of mountain bikes slope down from the handlebars towards the seat tube. What then happens when you hang the bike is that the MTB actually always hangs at an angle and out of balance. We have already briefly dropped the problem of empty space in the introduction, but if you look at the picture below you will see that many horizontal bike suspension systems still don’t quite tackle that problem. The red block in the picture is a good indication that it is still not being properly utilised, which is of course a terrible shame. As you know as an avid mountain biker, the handlebars of MTBs are a lot wider than those of road bikes. Besides, by no means all those handlebar widths fit into the suspension system shown below.
The moment you want to hang one racing bike in or around your house, and you have a lot of space at home, this option is no problem at all. You can then use a bicycle suspension system like the one below. However, with a mountain bike in the collection, this quickly becomes more difficult. Fortunately, we have a solution for these challenges.

Solution? The Pedal Hanger
What a lot of problems you can run into when hanging your mountain bike right? So many factors to consider and mistakes you can make. Fortunately, we have one and the same solution for all these issues. We present to you the Pedal Hanger! An inventive suspension system for your MTB that tackles all the above challenges with one well-timed slide.
The ingenious sliding suspension system makes it easy to adjust the angle at which the mountain bike hangs. Even wide MTB handlebars can therefore easily be hung without losing valuable space. If you subsequently want to hang a bike with less wide handlebars, e.g. a racing bike, you only need to turn the butterfly nuts at the bottom of the Pedal Hanger to adjust the angle. Thus, the Pedal Hanger is suitable for any bicycle, regardless of size.

You are probably familiar with the formula that determines the ideal number of bikes you should own. For those of you who are new to this, sit back and let this complicated formula sink in…. No way, the ideal number of bikes is simply: n+1. In other words, there is always a reason, a bit of space and budget to buy a new mountain bike or other bike. But where do you hang it next? With the Pedal Hanger, you can hang up to three bikes underneath each other! Even if you don’t have that much space Ideal so for your entire mountain bike collection.
Buy it here
Quality and sustainability
At Flowter, we value quality and durability. For the Pedal Hanger and corresponding Wheel Carriers, this means that they are made of steel machined in the Netherlands, which has to meet strict quality standards. The powder coating ensures a long service life. This is because the powder-coated finish puts a corrosion-resistant layer on the product, which increases its lifespan by up to 200%. The other components, namely the plugs and screws, are from the German company fischer. In total, the system’s 7 fixing points ensure a sturdy system that will easily keep your 13-kg mountain bike suspended.

Wheel carriers
Another big advantage over other bike suspension systems is the wheel carrier system included. The Wheel Carriers of the Pedal Hanger make it easy to lean the MTB with the wheels on these carriers, so you only have to lift the bike for a very short time. When the wheels are then on the carriers, you can easily position the crank so that the pedal can be placed in the hanger. This not only prevents lower back pain, you also have your mountain bike positioned in no time! An additional advantage is that the loss of space is reduced. In fact, you can still easily walk underneath the Pedal Hanger system or hang up to three bikes underneath each other! Then you can enjoy the rest of the day with your legs up and guilt-free.

In short, there are many aspects to consider when looking at the best way to hang your mountain bike. How many mtb’s do you have? How much space do you have? Do you hang it vertically or horizontally? How heavy is or are your mountain bike(s)? How wide are your handlebars? All these issues and challenges can actually be solved with a simple solution. In fact, the Pedal Hanger provides all these question marks with check marks and exclamation points.
Convinced? Then order it here!