How can you store a bike in a small space?
Lex Ligtenberg
With 523 inhabitants per km², the space we have in the Netherlands is scarce, very scarce. On top of that, experts expect population growth to continue for another 50 years or so before we reach our peak. As a result, that space in the Netherlands is becoming increasingly precious. Currently, you pay an average of €3,300 per m² of living space! So it is really necessary to think about your own available space and, more importantly, how you can best store your bikes in the small space we all have at our disposal. Because you can say a lot about the Dutch, but innovative when it comes to allocating our space, we certainly are! With 23.5 million bikes, we could use some efficiency!
Ways to store your bike

There are of course different ways and places to store your bike at home, and we will go through the pros and cons of each option with you to choose the best option for your situation. After all, not everyone has the same number of bikes and by no means everyone has the same amount of space to store their bikes. In the end, we all need to make sure that each of those 23.5 million bikes has a safe home!
Store bike under shelter
Let’s start with the worst option from a wear and tear point of view. If you store your road bike, mountain bike, gravel bike, fixie or trekking bike under a shelter, you naturally keep quite a bit of space inside. This is of course a big advantage in our country, however, it does have an impact on the oxidation process of the bike, rust for short! Yes, it is relatively dry, but the humidity and cold can still cause faster wear and tear than if you put it inside. Another disadvantage, of course, is that your bike can be stolen relatively easily. As many as 735,000 were stolen in 2021, so that chance is not unrealistic. So really make sure you lock your bike if you put it under a shelter, preferably on a chain lock. In this article on bicycle gadgets, we have found some solutions to prevent theft or at least reduce the chances.
Store bike in the shed
The shed, the territory of the cyclist who can also act a bit like a mechanic. If you have one at your disposal, (or the space to build one in the garden) the shed is an ideal place to store several bikes. No one will trip over wheels, frames or pedals but yourself. Plus, you can also lock the shed to prevent theft. This way, you can always go to sleep with peace of mind and dream about climbing Alpine cliffs, beautiful descents or cruising through the mud. So an ideal option for storing your bike! A storage location in which the Pedal Hanger fits seamlessly. Firstly, you can literally and figuratively place your gem above all those city bikes and barrels so it won’t get damaged when someone comes home drunk again. Secondly, the Pedal Hanger is an ideal way to tinker with your bike. After all, you can still just reach everything. So you don’t need to buy an extra bikestand or mounting stand. Again, it saves space!

Stabling in the corridor
Many cyclists, mountain bikers, gravel riders or touring cyclists run around with the same problem. They have too many bikes (do you ever have enough bikes?) for too little space. When they come into the corridor after a ride with bike in hand, they break their necks over all those different frames for different occasions. ‘This is the one I took my first ride on yet’, ‘This is my winter bike’ oh and ‘this one really shouldn’t go, it will be worth a lot later!’.

For those people, Flowter has come up with a great solution with the Pedal Hanger. With the Pedal Hanger, even with very little space, you can store all your bikes! Up to three underneath each other. Check out in our previous blog how to use the Pedal Hanger to store three bikes horizontally underneath each other. Our mission is to create a more efficient world for a reason. Based on the handlebar width, you can optimise the angle at which the bike hangs. That way, the bike can be as close to the wall as possible, preventing it from taking up unnecessary and precious space!

As a showpiece in the living room or bedroom
Actually, the living room or bedroom is objectively the best place for a nice bike. Be it a road bike, mountain bike, crosser, vélocipède or a fixie. Instead of a Van Gogh, the avid cyclist prefers a well-cleaned and shiny frame on the wall! Now that is art. An additional advantage is that you will always clean your bike when it is prominently displayed in the living room. Every speck of dirt, blemish or rust spot will stand out when you walk past it. So chances are you will always hang your bike spotless after every ride. Want to know the best way to clean your bike? Then check out this blog where we give away some tips on cleaning your bike.

A painting obviously needs a chic frame and a bicycle on the wall needs a sleek and aesthetically pleasing hanging system that looks good with the curtains. Flowter’s Pedal Hanger passes style test with flying colours. With its sleek design and matte black colour, it doesn’t clash with anything and matches any interior. Also because of its minimalist design, when pulling open those beautifully stylish curtains, you won’t bump your head so easily on the bike or system!
Shop here now
Even if, like many people in the Netherlands, you have to store your bike in a small space, you can still store several bikes in different places and ways in and around the house. Being creative with small space is in the blood of us Dutch and you know what they say: God created the earth, except for the Netherlands because the Dutch did that themselves. Next time you break your legs again about the amount of bikes in the shed, under the shed or in the hallway, think about this.